Festival Borštnikovo srečanje

Nahajate se na arhiviranem spletnem mestu 52. Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje - za obisk aktualnega spletnega mesta, kliknite tukaj.

52. Festival Borštnikovo srečanje

20. - 29. oktober 2017 | Maribor, Slovenija

Skok na vsebino // Skok na meni

Festival Borštnikovo srečanje - Uvodna stran

52. Festival Borštnikovo srečanje

About Showcase

The Slovenian showcase is a selection of performances that are meant, apart for the domestic audience, for foreign experts, artistic directors and program directors and critics as well. It has been ongoing on the Festival since 2010 with an ambition to present the best of Slovenian theatre to foreign experts and to promote and spread ideas and cooperation internationally.

This is the eight edition since this section first came to life at the Festival and we are very pleased that each year we get such positive responses. 
